iPhone let's me blog easy.

Just back in from a pub quiz minus the pub. Was at church but I still had a goo time despite the amount of Christians there. Honestly, the guys at church really make life so much more fun. I'll need to start uploading some of the pics as I go.

Note the very 70's Stevie g now with added moose.

- Posted using my silly billy iPhone. But we all know iPhones are evil.

May I introduce the iphone killer...

Microsoft have done it again, a perfect rival to the iphone, much like the successful zune - Microsoft have developed a fantastic touch screen device using many of apples ideas but made them better. The best function to this sleek new phone is (unlike the apple phone) the ability: to reset on the fly. Simply use the function buttons above to make this happen real time, apple bosses are furious over the new release and are looking into the microsoft patented '3 finger salute function'. There are rumours that there may be a new 'ireset' function key available as an add on to the existing iphones as a way of winning back Microsoft customers.

The online battle continues with a stunning line up on online games, such as solitaire, chess and legacy xbox titles. Apple really need to get their game plan on for the coming Christmas rush if they plan to counter this intelligent device. We will release more screen shots as we take them...