Cleaning the house

Well all I got to say is the iphone is a good way to scive. Right now my dear wife cleans while I sneak about wirelessly checking up on by blogs, facebook and forums. Heh heh. Gotta love it.

Google sites now online

Well google are taking over the world and their newest thing to offer is a fantastic wysiwyg web editor with features that would take any web developer weeks to add to a site. I love that they off these things free, but what about the humble web designer now? He will have to up his game, I say shame on you google.

If you want to be the first to test out the app then get your name on it before they get snapped up. Who knows, you could sell it in the future? Or it could sell you.


New year, new media

I like my mate Alan have decided that this year I will steal back time stole from me in the wonderful world of media, I want to see a dear project finished, my dragonprince. I have decided to make it so and get the webs off my keyboard and begin making 3d models again, I was really happy when I was doing it and when I stopped it I was sad.

So new year, new film and new video, watch this space for future updates on the wonderful work of the dragon prince and AC productions (I'm not sure that was even the name) 10 minute feature.

Iphone hangups - why the iphone has suckable things they don't tell you

Ok, we all love mac's not the dirty rat burgers either. But I recently got myself the new 3g iphone, well to be honest I guess they will release the 4g shortly with all these problems fixed; but to date they have not, so I thought it would be constructive / destructive of me to tell you fine folk the real drawbacks to the phone.

I use computers a bit, so naturally I hoked and poked for workarounds, they are not there without the help of third party software (yes - pay for what apple left out).

Ok here goes:

1. The sms abilities are poor. By that I mean you can't forward a text! You cant copy and paste the words you sent either. This will hurt you lots if your the type of guy that copies old love texts and pastes them into new ones that you reckon your wife/girl won't remmeber. Now you have to slave over a new note, most likey not being as good as the ones you copied from the net.

2. The iphone camera is terrible, it does not zoom, it can't take multiple shots, it's way slow, it blurs, it has no timer, it has no editing ability, it really is a simple thing made for a housewife with 10 kids and no brain left over. Further more it is terrible to take your own picture with it as you have to bend your fingers around the front of it and try and guess the position of the button and then wonder if it took the picture. When it does, its blurred, off centre and just about the worst wide angle shot a phone can take.

3. Bluetooth - I got this phone and was so excited to sync with my mac and have incoming calls pop up on screen and then the ability to sms over bluetooth like my last phone, guess what!??! Apple decided to enable this amazing skill for everyone with a real phone other than their own spawn. I really am confused over this as it defies common sense - which is apple's selling point!

4. Well there is a four, but I'm taking too much time at the minute ranting, so I'll be back for 4 later.

I hope this helps you in making your future iphone purchase.
I'll be back with more.

BTW - the phone is awesome, makes my last smartphone look like a window licker.

Ok, so I'm back

Well, it's been a bit - this whole social networking thing is a bit much, apparently is part of 2000 living, so I guess I better get on the ball. 

I  got a facebook, myspace, blogger, friends reunited, flickr, photo forum, 3d forum, church forum and blogs that I frequent. I'm kind of thinking these things are taking a lot of my production time away from me. 

The reason I post this new update is that there are a lot of developments from my life at present, I'm not sure if I mentioned; but I have a number two child now: Addison Grace, she is amazing, I have moved work to a warehouse that is very cold, I drive a poke van that has adverts on it, I take photos now as a big part of my living.

I think that covers my things to date, the great news on my productions are the following:

1. DragonPrince is well underway
2. Im freelancing 3d for companies such as UTV and Developers
3. Best of all is this one: I'm making a 10 minute film with my buddy Alan, it's going to complete our pact since we were about p4 - to make a motion picture. It's not feature length, but a darn good try at doing it pro.

Life is great, my family are great, my mates are great. I'm a very blessed guy. I owe it all to God who makes all things possible. What more can I say...?