Chris Mcclenaghan invited you to Dropbox

Dropbox has Fraped and fraped me.

Last design of the day...

This took me about an hour more than it should have, but it begins a new series of news sheets for the Lagan Valley Regional Park. It has been really nice working with the guys and they are fantastic clients to design for.
They put so much trust in the work that we produce.

Press the images below to zoom em.

Wonderfully Wondrous Web Workings

If you know me, you will know that I design a ton of websites some fantastic, some a bit plain. But if by chance you have just found this fact out, then why not take a peek at what we do at the studio and then give us a buzz, we are doing a very mad one time only deal called:

Two nine nine online... 
Meaning you can get your company on the internet, looking foxy for just a few beans. Obviously we can do a lot more, but get your foot in the door and see what the internet can do for you with our limited offer.

A tutorial for you guys on pimping a simple studio shot.

Just coming to gift time for xmas, I though you mates and hates of mine would like a free tip from me on pimping a cool art shot for a canvas or perspex print.

Wedding Work at the studio

You may or may not know that our studio do weddings, turns out we are amazing at them and with being creative designers we are even more awesome at designing wedding books.

If you know anyone looking a wedding photographer or indeed thinking yourself into that situation, please call us and book in for a free consultation.

New Shoots New times

Been getting a lot of requests recently to do shoots out of the studio, why do these people wait to the winter comes in?

Anyways, I'm all about getting new work online and showing that I'm progressing creatively. It's been a long road, learing lots as I go.

Here is a snap off my latest work:
