It begins...

Well here is my first ever post for my own twisted purposes. Well to be honest, not really that twisted. Its basically a blog showing the work that I do each week. I plan to make this my hub for seeing what I actually do with my time on this planet. Im thinking its the best way to keep track of myself before I expire.

Anyways, who is this guy you say? I am the great and powerful OZ! I am the silicone wizard who makes things, from print to screen I really do them all - jack of all trades, master of none. I can dabble at each thing, but never really do any of them well. At least not to the standard I'd like, but maybe thats the way every one is, there is very little people I meet that are happy with the work the do, there is always something that needs done to it that we never do.

I love God, I love my family, I love life. Life is good.
Before I go I just want to say thanks to all my friends, my wife and child that make my world so much more complete. Its cheesy its horrible, but people make a difference. After 28 years on the planet I have finally discovered the importance of relationships - its what you leave with people that makes your mark on the world - not what you do or how you do it. If I happen to die prematurely - then I know that I made a difference in what time I had, I also got to see and do a lot of things that I never thought would happen. For all this and every word I type in this blog for the future I give God the glory for what He has trusted in me, cheers G.

To all my peeps, you know I love you, thanks for hanging in with me over the years.

