Google got street cred

Google never cease to amaze, I have played around with street view or the wee orange man as you may call him and I must say its way cool. It baffles me to how they decided that this would be a good thing to do, but I now see estate agents using it and news teams. It makes my life easier as designer too, things like a mural off a wall I need for a bit of artwork or a profile of a landmark I need to trace can all be grabbed off this wonderful thing.

I do tip my pointed hat to google for this amazing feat, however, when I done what all you must have done first thing on discovering this new tech; went to see my house - I discovered that the lazy google driver never bothered to bring his car past my neighbours, he switched off the cams and headded home! Come on!!! I want views of my house, I live in a major city on an important road! I'll be watching out for them if they ever come back to finish the job.

I thought it worth mentioning all this in case some of you stumble upon this one day and ask what is it for... The way I see it is that it beats maps into the ground for coolness. The technology in how they mapped the place out was using 360 cams with gps plottings, much like some of the high end dslr's out there. I may have to finish the job they started and upload my shots to google HQ.

It is also available on iphone for you fine folk to use and abuse.

